Center for European Studies

2020 3rd CefES-JRC Webinar

  • The European Central Bank between the Financial Crisis and Populisms

    A joint seminar by Corrado Macchiarelli, Mara Monti,
    Claudia Wiesner, and Sebastian Diessner.

#CefESwebinar2020iii: Webinar

Corrado Macchiarelli, Sebastian Diessner, Mara Monti and Claudia Wiesner present their new book exploring the ECB’s monetary policy-making over the past decade. The book scrutinises the different dimensions of the EU's economic governance, the implications of the ECB's actions since the financial crisis, and how these relate to the rise of anti-establishment politics in Europe. As such, this book will be relevant not only to understand the political implications of the past crisis but also, and foremost, in understanding "what is next".

“The European Central Bank Between the Financial Crisis and Populisms” (2020), with Mara Monti, Claudia Wiesner, Sebastian Diessner, Palgrave McMillan/Springer (185 pages, foreword by Paul De Grauwe),

CefES and the European Commission – Joint Research Centre  are proud to carry on this initiative with the aim of connecting scholars working on European issues all over the world and to strengthen their cooperation, particularly in this period of high human, social, economic and political distress.