International Workshop
New Environmental Challenges for Fiscal, Monetary, and Macroprudential Policy
Centre for Econometric Analysis, Bayes Business School, 16-17 January 2025
CefES International Conference
The 7th International Conference on European Economics and Politics
12-13 June 2025 - University of Milano-Bicocca
International Workshop
The Political Economy of Aid and International Organizations
12-13 June 2025 - University of Milano-Bicocca
Stage/Internship opportunities
Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS)
(Re)Watch the recorded sessions of the CefES events
Conference: #CefESconf2025
CefES International Conference
The 7th International Conference on European Economics and Politics
Jointly organized by the Network for European Studies
12-13 June 2025 – University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan
Workshop: #CefESworkshop2025Jun12-13
CefES International Workshop
«The Political Economy of Aid and International Organizations»
Dedicated panel sessions within the 7th International Conference on European Economics and Politics
12-13 June 2025, University of Milano Bicocca
Workshop: #CefESworkshop2025Feb21
CefES International Workshop
«Forced Migration, Integration, and Employment of Ukrainians in Europe»
Second International Conference on the Climate-Macro-Finance Interface
21 February 2025, University of Milano-Bicocca
Workshop: #CefESworkshop2025Jan16-17
CefES International Workshop
«New Environmental Challenges for Fiscal, Monetary, and Macroprudential Policy»
Second International Conference on the Climate-Macro-Finance Interface
16-17 January 2025, Centre for Econometric Analysis, Bayes Business School
About CefES
Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS)
The Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS) promotes research on European countries and on Europe in a global context, following the highest standards in economic research and with an international vocation.
The Center gathers scholars from several different fields in Economics to contribute to the empirical and theoretical debate on Europe and the world.