CefES Media

Recorded Lectures

Lectures 2024

2024 - The Sixth International Conference on European Economics and Politics
Dustin Tingley (Harvard University) Transatlantic Perspectives on Climate Policy: Industrial Policy, Border Adjustments, and International Implications View
Lucretia Reichlin (London Business School) Inflation, Relative Prices and the Green Transition View

Lectures 2023

2023 International Workshop: «The Costs of Non-Europe and the Accomplishment of the European Integration Project: Economic, Legal, and Political Opportunities and Hindrances»
Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich) The Mass Politics of Disintegration. View
Alessia Ottavia Cozzi (University of Udine) Building Europe’s Future on Historical Remembrance and Cultural Heritage: A Difficult Undertaking in Hard Times.
Guido Crainz (once University of Teramo) and Laura Montanari (University of Udine) Reflecting on European Remembrance: The Integration Process Considering the Twentieth Century’s Controversial Historical Heritage.
Anna Mastromarino (University of Torino). Historical Identity and Integration: A Constituent Evolution along the Path of Law and Remembrance.
Jan Sawicki (Expert in Comparative Public Law). Between Eastern and Western European Member States: A Reflection on Historical Tensions and Political Coexistence in Europe.


2023 Fifth International Conference on European Studies: Europe in Unchartered Territories
Waltraud Schelkle (European University Institute) The Emerging System of Re-Insurance in the EU View
Oleksandra Matviychuk (Kyiv Center for Civil Liberties) Russian War in Ukraine: What does it Mean for Europe? View
Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zurich) Policy Panel on The Current Challenges to the European Integration - Geopolitical EU Enlargement and Its Credibility Dilemma. View
Michele Lenza (European Central Bank) Policy Panel on The Current Challenges to the European Integration - Non-Linearity in Euro Area Inflation View
Pierpaolo Benigno (University of Bern) The Surge in Inflation in the 2020s and the Return of the Non-Linear Phillips Curve View
Tanja Anita Börzel (University of Berlin) Just another crisis? The EU and the Zeitenwende View


2023 International Workshop: «Europe in Unchartered Territories: Challenges and Policy Responses»
Michael Spence (Stanford University and Bocconi University, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - 2001) Beyond the Great Moderation: Deglobalization, secular inflation, and supply-constrained growth View
Roberta Torre (European Commission), Daniel Gros (Center for European Policy Studies), Agostino Consolo (European Central Bank) Policy Panel View
Tommaso Monacelli (Bocconi University) The Origin of Inflation View

Lectures 2022


2022 International Workshop: The European Union between crises to be faced and institutions to be reformed

Morning session: Political and Legal Reflections on EU Constitutional Reforms

Alessia Di Pascale (University of Milano-Bicocca) The Procedure for Reforming the Treaties of Lisbon. View
Anna Myriam Roccatello (University of Milan-Bicocca) EU Responses to the most recent international crises: a sudden shock and rapid re-groupin. View
Antonio Tanca (University of Milan-Bicocca) Common Security and Defence Policy, in the light of PESCO and Strategic Compass. View
Afternoon session: Economic Challenges to European Integration
Frank Smets (European Central Bank, Ghent University) ECB monetary policy in times of high energy price inflation. View
Ricardo Reis (London School of Economics and Political Science) What could keep eurozone inflation high for long?
Daniel Gros (Center for European Policy Studies)
The energy challenge for the EU: How to reconcile social justice, proper incentives, and fiscal sustainability.


2022 Fourth International Conference on European Studies
Philippe Aghion (Collège de France, London School of Economics and Political Science) Rethinking Capitalism Post-Covid: The Power of Creative Destruction View
Giacomo Calzolari (European University Institute) Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations, and Competition View
Paul De Grauwe (London School of Economics and Political Science), Brigid Laffan (Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, EUI), Paivi Leino-Sandeberg (University of Helsinki) Policy Panel on The Current Challenges to the European Integration View


2022 CefES-JRC Webinar Series
Andy Pike (Newcastle University) Reframing urban and regional ‘development’ for ‘left behind places’ View
Simon Glendinning (London School of Economics) Marko Modiano (Gävle University) On European Identity and the Europe of the Peoples View
Laura Veldkamp (Columbia Business School) Data and Market Power View
Frank Smets (ECB and Ghent University) The optimal quantity of CBDC in a bank-based economy View
Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford and Wadham College) State Dependence of Fiscal Multipliers: the Source of Fluctuations Matters View
Livio Stracca (ECB) The asymmetric adjustment of global imbalances: myth or fact? View
Davide Debortoli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Uninsurable Individual Income Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations View
Alex Trew (University of Glasgow) Persistent States: Lessons for Scottish Devolution and Independence View


2022 Rethinking Capitalism (ReCap) Webinar Series
Noam Chomsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Arizona) Doomed to Extinction? Reflections on: Sunset of Humanity and the New Dawn? View
Anders Aslund (Georgetown University; Stockholm Free World Forum) The International Dimension of Russia’s Crony Capitalism View
Michael Ignatieff (Central European University)The History that Got Us Here The History that Got Us Here View
Thomas Philippon (New York University) The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets View
Rebecca Henderson (Harvard University) Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire View
Michael Marder (University of the Basque Countries) Upheaval and Implosion: Toward a Philosophy of History of the Present View
Jonathan Levy (University of Chicago) American Capitalism in the Age of Chaos View
Sheri Berman (Barnard College) Reconciling Democracy and Capitalism: The Return of the Great Challenge View
Oded Galor (Brown University) The Journey of Humanity View
Robert Pollin (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal View
Charles Calomiris (Columbia Business School) How FinTech Will Transform Banking... If Politics Permits It View
Luigi Zingales (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business) Crony Capitalism View
Gerardo Ceballos (The Breakthrough Institute; UNAM) The Sixth Mass Extinction, the Environmental Crisis and the Future of Humanity View
Philippe Aghion (College de France; INSEAD; LSE) Rethinking Capitalism after Covid: The Power of Creative Destruction View
Robert Reich (University of California, Berkeley) How Can Democracy Survive Capitalism? View
Branko Milanovic (City University of New York) Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System that Rules the World View
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University) The Resilient Society: Lessons from the Pandemic for Recovering from the Next Major Shock View
Paul Collier (University of Oxford) The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties View
Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics)
Manoj Pradhan (Talking Heads Macroeconomics)
The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival View
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty View


2022 Workshop: The Two-Pillars Approach to International Corporate Tax Reform
The Two-Pillars Approach to International Corporate Tax Reform: Political Context, Open Technical Issues and Economic Implications for the European Union View

Lectures 2021


2021 Rethinking Capitalism (ReCap) Webinar Series
Anne Case (Princeton University)
Angus Deaton (Princeton University)
The Great Divide: Education, Despair, and Death View


2nd CefES International Workshop: The "Hamilton Momentum" and the Future of the European Integration
Legal and Political Reflections on the Hamilton Momentum and the Future of European Integration
Monica Bonini (CefES - University of Milano-Bicocca)
Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS Guido Carli)
Otto Pfersmann (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)
Paivi Leino-Sandberg (University of Helsinki)
Legal and Political Reflections on the Hamilton Momentum and the Future of European Integration View
Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact and the Future of European Integration
Catherine DeVries (Bocconi University)
Francesco Papadia (Bruegel Institute)
Daniel Gros (Center for European Policy Studies)
Paul De Grauwe (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Marco Buti (European Commission)
Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact and the Future of European Integration View


2021 International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science
Gianluca Violante (Princeton University) The Great Lockdown and the Big Stimulus: Tracing the Pandemic Possibility Frontier for the US View
Ray Fair (Yale University) Analysis of Nine U.S. Recessions and Three Expansions View
Tobias Adrian (International Monetary Fund) Macrofinancial Feedback, Bank Stress Testing and Capital Surcharges View
Special Session on "Econometric Modelling of Climate Change and Covid-19 Pandemic"
David Hendry (Oxford University) Forecasting Climate Change, Pandemics and Economics View
Andrew Harvey (Cambridge University) Time series modeling of epidemics: leading indicators, control groups and policy assessment View
Hashem Pesaran (University of Southern California) A Counterfactual Economic Analysis of Covid-19 Using a Threshold Augmented Multi-Country Model View


2021 Third International Conference on European Studies
Helen V. Milner (Princeton University) Globalization, Democracy and Populism View
Jeffry Frieden (Harvard University) Populism, Polarization, and the Pandemic View
Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School) The Future of Central Banking. Lessons from the European Monetary Union View
Barbara Rossi (University of Pompeu Fabra) Has the Information Channel of Monetary Policy Disappeared? Revisiting the Empirical Evidence View
Marco Buti (European Commission), Catherine De Vries (Bocconi University), Oran Doyle (Trinity College Dublin), Daniel Gros (Center for European Policy Studies), Francesco Papadia (Bruegel Institute) Panel Session on the Future of Europe View


2021 CefES-JRC Webinar Series
Jordi Galì (CREI - Pompeu Fabra) Should the ECB Adjust its Strategy in the Face of a Lower r*? View
Angus Deaton (Princeton University) COVID-19 and Global Income Inequality View
Stavros Zenios (University of Cyprus, Bruegel, Norwegian School of Economics, Wharton School) The risks from climate change to sovereign debt in Europe View
Evi Pappa (University of Madrid, Carlos III) What are the likely macroeconomic effects of the EU Recovery Plan? View

Lectures 2020


Joint CeFES, ECOMOD & JRC webinar
David F. Hendry (Nuffield College, University of Oxford) Econometric Modelling of Climate Change with Implications for Climate Policies View
Corrado Macchiarelli (Brunel University London and NIESR)
Mara Monti (LSE European Institute and Sole 24 Ore)
Claudia Wiesner (Fulda University of Applied Sciences)
Sebastian Diessner (LSE European Institute and European University Institute)
The European Central Bank between the Financial Crisis and Populisms View

Lectures 2019


1st CefES conference
Reint Gropp (Halle Institute for Economic Research) The Cleansing Effect of Banking Crises View
Philippe Martin (Science Po) International Trade Under Attack: What Strategy for Europe? View
Andrew Moravcsik (Princeton University) The Bark is Worse than the Bite: Why Populist Foreign Policies are Doomed to Disappoint View
Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University) Identity, Beliefs and Political Conflict View


EMCC-IV conference
Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich, UZH) Climate Risk and Financial Stability in the Network of Banks and Investment Funds View
David F. Hendry (University of Oxford) Econometrics for Empirical Climate Modeling View
Enrico Scoccimarro (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change - CMCC) Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate View