CefES Scientific Committee

Prof. Andrea Colciago

Short Bio

Andrea Colciago is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Milan-Bicocca, and an Economist at the Research Department of the Dutch Central Bank.

His research focuses on the set-up and evaluation of DSGE models of the business cycle.

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Recent Papers

  • Colciago, A., Fasani, S., & Rossi, L. (2020). Unemployment, Firm Dynamics, and the Business Cycle, [Working paper]. More →
  • Colciago, A., Samarina, A., & de Haan, J. (2019). CENTRAL BANK POLICIES AND INCOME AND WEALTH INEQUALITY: A SURVEY. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, 33(4), 1199-1231 [10.1111/joes.12314]. More →
  • Colciago, A. (2018). Structural reforms and endogenous market structures. In J. de Haan (a cura di), Structural Reforms: Moving the Economy Forward (pp. 199-219). Springer International Publishing. More →
  • Ascari, G., Colciago, A., & Rossi, L. (2017). Determinacy analysis in high order dynamic systems: The case of nominal rigidities and limited asset market participation. ECONOMICS LETTERS, 159, 82-87 [10.1016/j.econlet.2017.05.040]. More →
  • Ascari, G., Colciago, A., & Rossi, L. (2017). LIMITED ASSET MARKET PARTICIPATION, STICKY WAGES, AND MONETARY POLICY. ECONOMIC INQUIRY, 55(2), 878-897 [10.1111/ecin.12424]. More →