Center for European Studies
3rd International Conference on European Studies
CefES 2021i Conference
Download as pdf (last update 15 May 2021)
Program: 1st day (14th June)
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Opening:
- Presentation of the Conference - Patrizio Tirelli - Director CefES
09:15-10:30 Room U6-01f: Keynote lecture:
- The Bark is Worse than the Bite: Why Populist Foreign Policies are Doomed to Disappoint - Andrew Moravcsik (Princeton University)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-13:00 Parallel sessions 1
1. Room U6-01a Policy evaluation (chair: Unnikrishnan, V.*)
- Nonparametric synthetic control method - Cerulli, G.*
- Policy evaluation with interactive effects - Chan, M. K., Kwok, S.*
- Do social assistance programs targeted on elderly in India impact household welfare? - Unnikrishnan, V.*
2. Room U6-01b Factor models (chair: Trapani, L.)
- Testing for regime changes in large dimensional factor models - Massacci, D.*
- A diagnostic criterion for approximate factor structure - Gagliardini, P., Ossola, E.*, Scaillet, O.
- Determining the dimension of factor structures in nonstationary large datasets - Barigozzi, M., Trapani, L.*